Doctor Dyslexia Dude
Illustrated by Brandon Hadnot
Doctor Dyslexia Dude is a compelling story of an African-American boy who is also a colorful superhero with dyslexia.
The capped character is autobiographically based on the painful, early life experiences of Dr. Shawn Anthony Robinson. Robinson and his co-author, Mrs Inshirah Robinson RN, are parents who say their goal is to empower students in Special Education to stay encouraged and know they too can achieve greatness!
Overall, Dr Dyslexia Dude is an exciting, colorful, often humorous and relevant source of hope and inspiration for kids, parents, and teacher.
Doctor Dyslexia Novels
20% of proceeds from book sales are going to a scholarship with the International Dyslexia Association. Dr. Robinson also serves as a Director at Large with the Organization. For Tax Exempt Purchases, click here to email us or call Ripon Printers at (920) 748-3136. Get a copy of the “Doctor Dyslexia Dude!” superhero Graphic Novel here (Click on books):
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Dr. Shawn Anthony Robinson you knocked it out of the park with Doctor Dyslexia Dude! What an inspiring story that touches so many emotions. And the graphics are awesome! Congratulations to you, Mrs. Robinson, the boys and Brandon Hadnot. I love it!!
Thank you #DrDyslexiaDude for inspiring my son to want to share his journey on paper. He loved the book and identified with so many points you made. Hopefully he will own his other super power of dyslexia.
Received my copy today!! This book will change the lives of so many students with dyslexia. Excellent storyline and illustrations! Congratulations Dr. Shawn Anthony Robinson on this publication!! Highly recommended for Educators and Parents of Special needs students. Love it!!
Owen and I met our friend and author Shawn Anthony Robinson this morning to have him sign his new book “Dr. Dyslexia Dude”. It’s a great book! Owen could completely relate to the character having dyslexia and struggling to behave in school because of his reading and writing struggles.
My son is in 7th grade but is currently reading at a 3rd grade level. He has been on an IEP program since the 3rd grade but struggles significantly with reading and writing. The book displays hope, fears, vulnerability and gives Charlie someone to identify with when it comes to his struggles. I look forward to Charlie working more directly with Shawn; we are fortunate to have him within 40 miles of us
Dr. Dyslexia Dude, Well done. I can’t wait for my son n other dudes to see this snapshot of your story, their story. This story is empowering because the most disabling part of living with dyslexia is often times the isolation of journey. Dyslexia Dude does a great job at telling the story living with dyslexia. Please keep doing what you do and thank you for sharing this with the world.
The best book I’ve ever read… As somebody that was misdiagnosed for 12 years . this book speaks to the truth of how schools deal with kids with Reading and spelling challenges… With right support they can achieve. It is simply that easy. I know I was given the same opportunity by Dr. Nash. It’s what you do with the opportunity once you get it…That Can change your life.
Dr. Dyslexia Dude is a great book that will help children who are struggling with dyslexia to know that it is a hurdle but not a showstopper. They too can be anything that they want to be. I am committed to education for all children and have purchased ten copies to send back to my hometown school district so they can have them in their libraries.
As a person who walks through troubling times… Dr. Shawn Robinson’s most uplifting story of overcoming Dyslexia, learning hurdles with HOPE and faith in himself and good support and what he has achieved with Dyslexia that makes this book series Awesome, written by Superdude Himself!
Thank you for writing a book in which so many people can relate! Not only is the book wonderfully illustrated, but it is also written in a way that allows children, teenagers, and adults–regardless of gender or race–with dyslexia to identify with someone who has found success! Thank you for validating the feelings of those who are often misunderstood.
I have known Shawn and his wife for over 10 years. I never knew of his struggles until a few years into our friendship. When I would see Shawn he was usually coming home from work and not to much time to talk, he was always off and studying. He was very passionate about studying and learning. His book is a great read for kids with dyslexia, it goes to show you can overcome anything life throws at you. I was moved to tears by the last few lines of the book when his Jeremiah introduced himself and called Shawn “dad”. I am anxiously awaiting his next book. Keep up the good work Dr. Robinson, we need more educators in the world like you.
I have been blessed to know Dr. Shawn Robinson for years through his volunteer work with with Camp DayDreams in Rochester, NY. We have kept in touch ever since and watching his success through the years makes me proud to call him my friend. When the book arrived my son and I immediately started reading it together. He and I enjoyed the story, and Andrew, only being 5, was able to recognize some of the words on his own. I must admit the ending brought me a heartwarming feeling when It was revealed that Jeremiah was the narrator of the story. Andrew loved the book so much he went to bed with it and flipped through the pages until he fell asleep. Great job Robinson family, I can not wait to see more!
Fit Oshkosh sponsored a read of Dr. Dyslexia Dude at an elementary school in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. The first-graders were awe-struck! This is a very relevant book with a very relevant character. Every school, community and home library should have a copy.
This past week Dr. Robinson did an author visit to our school. He met with the first graders at Oaklawn Elementary. Dr. Robinson/Dr. Dyslexia Dude’s message of working hard to not let his Dyslexia stop him from achieving his goals was so important for our students to hear! Dr. Robinson was able to tailor his presentation to meet the first grade students at their level. I highly recommend having Dr. Robinson’s presentation for all age and grade levels. He did a great job answering the students questions. I will be recommending Dr. Robinson/Dr. Dyslexia Dude to all of the teachers in our district. I look forward to inviting Dr. Robinson to come back next year! Thank you Dr. Dyslexia Dude!!
I absolutely loved this book! My son DeAndre’ is in 6th grade and reads currently about mid 1st grade level. I enjoyed seeing him react to the book like , “that’s ME mom” . He hasn’t met that right teacher yet, however I did pull him out of school in 4th grade to homeschool him. He wants to learn, he wants to be in the NFL, but he has always thought it was impossible until this book!!!!!! Great, great book.
My son DeAndre’ has struggled his whole life, I always knew something was wrong or different… he was a super great baby! He didn’t crawl until 9 months. Two days later he was walking and the running! He never stopped after that always on the GO! He couldn’t recite a basic song like BINGO or remember his letter sounds. He struggled until I pulled him out of school in 4th grade. He is now in 6th grade and reading some! He was amazed how he related to the book! He said Mom, “Thats me”. I just act up enough to come home to escape school cause it is so hard! He wants to be in the NFL and lately had been saying it wont happen cause I can’t read, after reading this book he is now more motivated than EVER! Thank you so much!!!!
I recently heard Dr. Robinson speak at a local high school. He was very very very inspirational and he inspired me to try harder every single day. He told us that every day that you wake up is a blessing and that we should be grateful for it. I strongly believe that he is one of the most powerful motivational speakers I have ever heard. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to come and talk to us middle and high schoolers. I can guarantee that everyone in that auditorium took your words to heart and felt the impact of your speech. I specifically love how even when Dr. Robinson was at his worst, and adults were telling him that he would never succeed, that he never ever gave up and he continued with his education far into his adult life. When I say it is inspiring, I really truly honestly mean it. Again, thank you so much for taking the time to come and talk to us.
We read this book tonight (three times and Chase hates to read) because he identified with Dr Dyslexia Dude. He kept saying “this is me” and now he has hope that this can be him.
This book provides much needed representation of black students with dyslexia! Doctor Dyslexia Dude presented as a superhero encourages dyslexic students to realize, that while they may struggle with reading and writing in school, being dyslexic has extra strengths too.
My daughter and I read this story and we loved it! Well written and done in a graphic novel format that many younger children will love to read. Along with a positive message about a subject that doesn’t get enough attention. A courageous example of turning negative experiences into positive change that inspires. Well Done, Dr Shawn & Inshirah Robinson.